Valerie Taylor

Current Organization

director of the mathematics and computer science division

Argonne National Laboratory

Valerie Taylor

Steering Committee

Valerie Taylor is the Director of the Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory, a leading multidisciplinary science and engineering research center. She received her Ph.D. in electrical engineering and computer science from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1991. She then joined the faculty in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at Northwestern University, where she was a member of the faculty for 11 years.  In 2003, she joined Texas A&M, where she served as head of the computer science and engineering department and senior associate dean of academic affairs in the College of Engineering and a Regents Professor and the Royce E. Wisenbaker Professor in the Department of Computer Science.

Her research is in the area of performance analysis and modeling of parallel, scientific applications.  Currently, she is focused on the areas of performance analysis, power analysis and resiliency.Valerie Taylor is a fellow of IEEE and ACM.