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Black Women in Executive Leadership (B-WEL) is a global initiative leveraging insights from Black women leaders to maximize human capital. We believe experiences of leaders navigating the intersection of patriarchy and racism offer universal lessons. B-WEL identifies and activates these strategies, tools, and tactics to drive systemic change worldwide.
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B-WEL aims to dismantle the intersection of patriarchy and racism that wastes talent and denies opportunity. By generating innovative solutions, we support leaders and institutions globally to remove structural barriers and build more equitable systems.


Collect and curate
Expand the current body of knowledge and literature on leadership development by listening, aggregating and analyzing the successful tools, strategies and tactics that Black women in executive leadership have used to navigate and dismantle racism and patriarchy while rising through the ranks


Connect community
Accelerate both the individual and collective leadership growth of the three generations of Black women leaders by building a self-sustaining, intergenerational, transnational, multi-sector, interdisciplinary and global network of Black women executives committed to shared learning and mutual support.


Catalyze Collaboration
Accelerate botBlack female executives leverage their current power and networks to amplify their leadership impact as they collaborate with each other to design and action transformative change agendas especially around complex issues that disproportionately affect Black women globally.
Collecting, Collating, & Curating Black women’s wisdom
Creating a Connected Community
Catalyzing Collaborations for Change

B-WEL is a brilliant idea because representation matters. We need granular strategies on how best to approach inclusion to maximize the benefits of diversity for all.
Hon. Obiageli Ezekwesili
 Chair, B-WEL Steering Committee

Patriarchy and racism continue to stand in the way of society having access to the high-quality leaders needed to address the complex problems of our time. B-WEL is more than a Fellowship; it's a global movement to redefine society’s expectations of who can be leaders, how we should treat them and what we should expect of them.
Dr. Wanjiru Kamau-Rutenberg
Founder & Executive Director

B-wel fellows

B-WEL Fellows

With an eye to global representation, B-WEL's flagship fellowship identifies and selects Black women executives with a demonstrated track record of impact and connects these talented and committed Black women to the tools, resources, networks and opportunities to grow their own individual leadership practice while gathering their insights to inform our recommendations for institutional transformation.
Meet Our Fellows

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Make a Difference with B-WEL.

Join us in shaping a future where Black women executives lead transformative change across all sectors. Make a lasting impact by gifting your support to B-WEL.

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